App Views

App Views are in beta. If you'd like to be a tester, email to join our testing program and provide valuable feedback.


Tellspin provides different app views to help you filter and manage the schedules you can see.

Available Views

  • All Schedules: Displays every schedule in the entire Slack workspace.

  • My Schedules: Shows only the schedules where you are a participant.

  • My Favorites: Lists schedules that you have marked as favorites with the Add to /tellspin option

How to Use App Views

  1. Navigate to the Tellspin app Home tab.
  2. Select a View: Choose between All Schedules, My Schedules, or My Favorites based on your needs.
    Filter schedules on Tellspin Home
    Filter schedules on Tellspin Home

Tellspin Search is a feature that allows you to search for schedules by user group name or tellspin keyword

  1. Navigate to the Tellspin app Home tab
  2. Select Search View
  3. Enter the user group name or Tellspin keyword you want to search for
    Entering a search query
    Entering a search query
  4. Click the Clear button to clear the search query
    Clear search
    Clear search